
v24.08.30 - August 30, 2024

  • Frames module: new option to sort by camera number (default) or camera name.

  • Media module: new option to auto-mute

  • Live view: auto rotate based on rotation setting (per camera)

  • Quickview: rating edit

  • Multiple routes added to the API

v24.08.05 - August 05, 2024

  • Android installer fix (for fresh devices)

  • Library parameters: number of columns, ordering

  • Camera ordering: camera model added on selection

v24.07.22 - July 22nd, 2024

v24.07.04 - July 4th, 2024

v24.05.10 - May 1st, 2024

  • MP4 capture support (Canon only)

  • Video capture: playback sequence editor added

  • Customizable Dashboards, Frames and QuickView modules

  • “pin to top” feature on the dashboard

  • Raspberry Pi 5 support (not compatible yet with: our LED boards, Picam, Arducam)

v24.04.26 - April 26th, 2024

  • Sharing single frame (when printing is activated): share “branded frame” fix

  • Send logs (from troubleshooting panel) fix

  • Sync time on camera (Raspberry Pi) fix

v24.04.11 - April 11th, 2024

  • Library bulk edit (archive, delete, copy, move)

  • Files/folder names: snapshot at trigger time (allows for quick actor/pose change right after the shot is taken)

  • Wiggle lens support

  • Video capture (experimental): mp4 file type support added

  • Trigger script: ordering set added

v24.01.31 - January 31th, 2024

  • “Basic” license transfer speed limit removed

  • “Script” trigger mode added (experimental)

  • /media: new slideshow module (auto-play your media) & overlays (NFTserver)

  • Auto-image rotation fixed with cRAW files

  • Windows client now included in software download

v23.12.23 - December 23, 2023

  • Multi-camera video recording (experimental, partially supported, Canon only)

  • Forced rotation now applied in /library and /quickview

  • “Disable remote broadcast” option added in settings / network

  • Migrated from NWJS to Electron

  • Trigger actions: new shortcut to trigger an iteration directly (with the applied settings)

  • Live view: basic camera settings added

  • Screen flashing at trigger time (optional)

  • Assets / collections / poster: new option to put on top (as an overlay)

  • NVEC encoding option for MP4 files (dashboard / output settings / advanced)

  • Canon R100 support added

  • Arducam IMX519 support added

  • Presets per iteration: lights, screens, gpio, projectors & camera settings

  • Raspberry Pi batch functions added: clear buffer, available RAM display

  • New “productive dashboard”: left/right split, top/down move, show/hide sections

  • New /control-deck page (simple trigger, camera settings web page)

  • Numbering quick selection: switch from one ordering to another from the dashboard (on selected numbering sets)

  • Display management (formerly NFTserver) integration into XangleCS (display any JPG or MP4 on your devices). Max number of devices = max number of cameras in your license

v23.08.25 - August 25, 2023

  • New “Working directory” module: manage different configurations of Xangle (config files, ordering, output) to ease the swap from one station to another or to test with clean settings

  • Various bug fixes and improvements

v23.07.03 - July 03, 2023

  • Raspberry Pi status list: “available ram” column added

  • AI Interpolation integration (bullet-time)

  • Network interfaces selection straight from the dashboard

  • Software startup UI improvement showing preloader while waiting for cameras

  • Multiple iterations “in-buffer” (Canon/raspberry pi only)

  • Picam v3 support

  • New keyboard shortcut from the library: shift-delete (tries to delete a dataset from the local drive)

  • Camera numbering improvements: swap, collision detection, change number from the live view

  • HDMI projection (experimental)

  • New “release license” button to release a license without logging out from the system

  • Reboot all pis: now performed with a random (5 sec) delay to prevent having all units spiking power at the same time

  • Multiple bug fixes

v23.04.05 - April 5, 2023

  • Batch reading of camera orientation (proper orientation in Library and Frames) - shift-R

  • New “Dimmer” options: opacity, spinner & custom overlay

  • “Publish” modules refactored, including cleaner way of outputing the files in the various folders (/originals, /final, /aligned, /raw…)

  • Better FTP module (now located in the “Files/folders” module) to allow upload of individual frames, mp4 file, etc

  • File backup/FTP backup: new option to copy specific frames for any time of files (originals, final, mp4, aligned…)

  • Support for the new Canon R50 & R8 cameras

  • Various bug fixes

  • “Capture” license removed

  • Auto-backup of the main settings file + error handling at software launch

v23.02.14 - Februray 14, 2023

  • Preview frames “square” option

  • CRF slider (Constant rate factor) setting for h.264 movie

  • Library: new mode to see all frames from dataset (now goes from Frames -> images -> video). Use the “t” key to toggle the 3 modes

  • XangleViewer now included with XangleCS installer (Chrome wrapper for addiional Windows computers)

  • Canon r6ii support added

v23.01.31 - January 31, 2023

  • New UI/functionalities presets (updates dashboard based on required tasks)

  • Preview frames displayed in correct orientation (same as in the Library)

v23.01.17 - January 17, 2023

  • Library: Zoom-in (scroll) to review image details

  • Keybinding refactoring

  • Updated dashboard

  • Support for mixing multiple camera models / brands (with delay per camera group)

  • New calibration module

  • New Frame preview module (persistent, customizable)

  • Camera settings presets

  • Many bugfixes & minor improvements

  • Files backup now processing in Async (in the background)

  • License details displayed in the footer (+ renew button)

  • Stand alone client pages (Windows) for full screen modules without using a browser (available from /devices)

  • Keyboard shortcuts mapping for GPIO ports (Raspberry Pi)

  • Raspberry Pi optimization (communications between server and clients)

  • Added support for recent Canon models (R10…)

  • Calibration per serial instead of camera number (allows changing camera number without redoing the calibration)

v22.08.17 - August 17, 2022

  • New “Quick view” module on the dashboard

  • 3rd party tools update

v22.07.15 - July 15, 2022

  • PiCam & PiCam HQ refactoring (better support)

  • Support for newer models of Raspberry Pi 4

  • Calibration score

  • Nikon basic support (on Raspberry Pi)

  • Mirror lockup “unmanaged” support (manual handling of MLU)

  • Optimization for chromakey background replacement

  • Sony cameras complete support (usb and Raspberry Pis)

  • “device” mini app to run “managed” client web pages from a Windows computer

  • /status: layout improvement

  • License expiration / token expiration improvement at the bottom of the dashboard

  • Multiple video sharing (create multiple videos based on collections, all available from the sharing stations)

  • Better handling for single-camera application

  • Renaming module update: “iteration” tag, “camnumber” tag, renaming per camera (custom name), “image_title” tag

v21.10.08 - October 8, 2021

  • New /countdown page: basic countdown with no UI

  • New /trigger-button page: simple trigger button without the usual dashboard

  • Login fix following Letsencrypt certificate issue from last week

  • Pi cloner: allow to run even in non-admin mode (for the batch cloner)

  • Quick links added to the advanced settings page

  • Library: now displaying iteration number (useful for the new multi-camera burst mode)

  • Sony camera support (beta) - tested with the ZV-E10, ZV-1, a6400, a6000

v21.08.19 - August 19, 2021

  • Light preset during countdown

  • Connectivity improvement with Raspberry Pis

  • "refresh settings" button (on Pis)

  • XangleBoard support (plug and play)

  • Lights module / bmp file: now in sync across all LED strips

  • Step focus

  • Multi-camera burst

  • Library / Multiple iterations : new iteration navigation (ctrl-up / down) & proper count at the bottom of the screen

v21.06.01 - June 1, 2021

  • Fast preview frames - see demo here.

  • New dimmer to last until the fast preview is ready

  • “Cancel” button now super responsive to cancel a shot after it’s been taken

  • Capture license: new Frame module available from the dashboard or from a browser (/frames)

  • Library: individual frame rotation (persistent) - use the “r” key to rotate

v21.04.22 - April 22, 2021

  • Master delay (countdown). Available in all trigger modes

v21.04.13 - April 13, 2021

  • Sync date/time across all cameras (Canon)

  • Backups: support for tags in folder name

v21.03.30 - March 30, 2021

  • Neopixel led support (requires some additional electronic components)

  • Status panel update (pi naming & more)

  • Raspberry Pi details: temperature, cpu, ram

  • Playback blending:

  • Major metronome improvement (moved from the interface to a separate process for accuracy). Demo:

  • Pi batch cloner: transform any Raspberry Pi into a batch cloner (from the status panel):

  • Wifi support for Raspberry Pis (from the status panel) - not recommended!

  • Various bug fixes / improvements

v21.02.03 - Feburary 03, 2021

  • Devices (tablets, smartphones, any other browsers) configuration from the dashboard: navigate to a specific url (and block) for any external device.

  • Renaming: multiple copies now allowed

v20.12.30 - December 30, 2020

  • Trigger Graphs

  • More updates to the library module

  • Trigger precision update

  • Raspberry Pi improvement (performance, trigger precision)

  • Shortcuts added / improved

  • New dimmer options

  • Custom trigger sequences: copy-paste from excel/text files!

  • Custom playback sequences: new preset system!

  • Missing files diagnostic (after a shot, and on all related folders)

  • Performance diagnostics (timing per process) from the library

  • /remote and /selfie: texts are now customizable (from the UI module)

  • Tons of improvements in the Library module

  • Auto jump to the library/player after a shot is processed (optional)

  • Better handling at cancelling a shot

  • Raspberry Pi client: dropdown to select power mode (From advanced settings)

  • Improved Raspberry Pi image for future upgrade (will require much fewer reflashing)

  • Performance graphics

  • Status panel updated to make more sense

v20.11.13 - November 13, 2020

  • Custom trigger sequence: copy paste from Excel!

  • New updated “Watch folder” module (process files coming from your archives or from other cameras)

  • Improved Library modules with prev/next thumbnails, performance timing, exifs, individual frames navigation, number of files display and checkup

  • Full screen navigation improvement (main app)

  • Removed ms from default renaming

  • Real time Metronome & better notification sound handling:

  • Canon T8i, EOS R5, EOS R6 support (Windows client only)

v20.10.14 - October 14, 2020

  • Self-remote:

  • Pi Cam v2 support

  • Burst drive mode fix in XangleCS/single camera

  • New hot corner shortcut (double tap to toggle full-screen, long press to go to the home menu)

  • New "lock" option for sharing and replay stations:

  • Huge upgrade to the file/folder naming module. See the new tags here:

  • Bandwidth & connection throttling for large scale arrays (settings / advanced):

  • Added logs download for Raspberry Pi

v20.08.20 - August 20, 2020

  • Better email template system (internal with html editor)

  • Touchless share: bigger QR, more options

  • Touchless: added options for background image, header image, header text, footer text

  • Library additions: rating (stars, 1 to 5 keyboard shortcut), notes ("n" keyboard shortcut)

  • PiCam support (requires proper license)

v20.07.10 - July 10, 2020

  • Single camera support

  • Touchless sharing! -> You'll find the module at the bottom of the web-menu ( or go to /share on a browser)

  • This version also includes a major refactoring of the triggering system to make it more stable, especially with large camera arrays. As always, your feedback is very welcomed

  • New options to prevent triggering before an image set download or process is over

v20.06.16 - June 16, 2020

  • QR code for FTP’ed files: new timestamp param

  • minor tweaks and bugfixes

v20.05.26 - May 21, 2020

  • New UI!

  • Full screen mode (tab key)

v20.04.02 - April 02, 2020

  • Android sync settings bugfixes / improvements

  • Android zoom bugfix

v20.03.19 - March 19, 2020

  • "Talk to me" option. Xangle is a girl! She talks. She can tell you when cameras are connecting (easing the numbering)

  • Calibration : new "radius" slider to ignore similar markers of a smaller size

  • Bugfix: seamless mode with thousands of cameras

  • Auto-print page (prints the latest shot with no use dialog). You'll also need to do this on Chrome: )

  • QR code pages for guests (studio mode)

  • Major speed improvement for larger rigs (50+ cameras)

  • FPS auto-conversion for intro/outro mp4 (to fit with your current preset)

  • Android touch-numbering (re-order units by touching the phones)

  • Android camera swap (front / back) - Android custom background option (in UI)

  • Android major improvement for the numbering (simply touch the screen in the right order, instead of unplugging them all)

  • Android dashboard cleanup (many items are now in the "Android button")

  • Other Android version improvements (ui, functionalities)

v20.02.24 - February 24, 2020

  • Window focus on software launch (to fix the problem where you had to click on the software in order to trigger using a bluetooth device)

  • New navigation interface (burger type)

  • Switch license type straight from the app (menu / switch license)

  • Dashboard: auto rotate preview thumbnails

  • Custom camera numbering system (switch from one numbering preset to another on the fly)

  • Escape key bound on all modal windows

  • Increased thumbnail resolution (640px instead of 320px), as requested by a couple of you guys!

  • New “status” page for the list of cameras and connected clients

  • New cleaner dashboard with less clutter

  • New “random” parameter for the player to show the latest shots in a randomized order (/player?last=20&random=1)

  • New shortcut: Tab key to enter full screen from the player

  • New “Library” (studio mode) module.

  • New "interpolation" slider for the mp4 output

  • Xangle Server.exe renamed to XangleCs.exe

  • License checkup: more explicit message when internet is down (or if our license server is not accessible from user’s computer)

  • White label option added - removes our software name and logo (not included with actual licenses)

  • Bugfix: squeezed preview vertical images in calibration (display problem only)

  • Bugfix: problem with the 3rd calibration where the processes were stopping

  • Bugfix: sharing form / required checkboxes

  • Bugfix: occasional ghost camera when disconnecting the usb cable

v20.01.17 - January 17, 2020

  • Multiple interval iterations (manually triggered)

  • Custom trigger sequences: New option to manually trigger the cameras between each iteration

  • New trigger accuracy compensation for strobes (unofficially called the “sacrifice” mode)

  • New "troubleshooting" module

  • Granular reset settings

v20.01.08 - January 08, 2020

  • Minor improvements in the chromakey module

  • “Graphic selection” link added to the web menu (let your participants select the graphics before the shot is taken)

  • Trigger mode / Freeze: tolerance added (for less accurate cameras)

  • FPS slider added in Starter license

  • Custom playback sequences setting added (previously hidden feature)

v19.12.30 - December 30, 2019

  • Screen dimmer (works on any web page by adding ?dim=1 at the end of the url). Dims everything on press and gets back to normal on release. The dimmer can also be manually used by using the next/previous buttons on the remote

  • Trigger from the Player page. Finally <3

  • Bugfix with the re-calibrate button

v19.12.11 - December 11th, 2019

  • Animated foregrounds & backgrounds totally revamped. Now super easy to manage as the priority is always given to the number of cameras. If you have 6 cameras but 7 frames for the animation, we’re going to take only the 6 first ones. The bounce is automatically managed (you don’t need to create your bounce-back foreground frames)

  • Long overlays have been removed to simplify animation. Please use a mix of Repeat + .MOV overlay in order to have an overlay that has a longer duration than your number of frames

v19.12.05 - December 5th, 2019

  • Re-process minor fixes

  • Preventing sub-process to be launched as stand alone

v19.12.04 - December 4th, 2019

  • Raspberry Pi 4 support!

  • Better camera connection handling on micro power drops (< 3 seconds)

  • Clear warning when a Canon camera is hooked to another software (EOS Utility, etc…)

v19.11.26 - Starting from now, all of our apps have a version number that correspond to the build date!

  • Chromakey crop + scale! WOW

v1.15.5 - 2019-11-05

  • Add the ability to use remote subfolders when publishing on FTP

  • Add custom fields for emails (free text, dropdowns)

  • Add printing for starter license (video thumbnail)

  • Disk usage module now takes into account ALL the folders used by xangle

  • Re-enable interval on calibration and chromakey.

  • Expose "trigger warmup delay" in the settings

  • New “poster” branding option (a background in which you can place your output video)

v1.15 - 2019-10-09

v1.14.3 - 2019-09-19

  • Live view major upgrade

  • Auto-focus and focus fine tuning

  • Zombie clients bug fix

  • G7x Mark III, G5x Mark II support

v1.13.4 - 2019-07-24

  • Trigger precision major improvement (Windows & Linux)

  • Folders / files complex renaming system

  • Allow sharing page (from the web browser) to be available even if Xangle is launch while offline

v1.12.3 - 2019-07-12

  • Starter license features

  • Photogrammetry license UI update

v1.12.0 - 2019-07-03

  • New calibration module (t-shirt style!)

  • Black out option on “stand-by” with the usb-hub architecture

v1.11.5 - 2019-06-20

  • Allow aligned or original for picture copy folder

  • Add opt-in for email agreements

  • Add custom input for JAF range

v1.11.2 - 2019-06-08

  • Added support for Canon M50, Canon EOS-R, Canon EOS-RP

  • Better management of cooldown mecanism for the trigger button

  • Bugfix with /shoot page

v1.11.0 - 2019-05-15

  • Windows triggering through the usb cable (no more external trigger cable needed - same as with Raspberry Pi architecture)

v1.10.16 - 2019-05-03

  • Add built-in Pi SD card cloner (/pi-cloner)

  • Add PowerPoint controller support for trigger (no Pi needed)

  • Removed Standby button and keep only Trigger button, keep pressed for standby, release for trigger.

v1.10.15 - 2019-05-03

  • Factory reset function (delete settings and license files) in debug tab.

  • Send only the 5 last log files in debug tab.

  • Strech player and keep ratio.

  • Add shortcut to speedramp page (browser pages).

  • Rename sliders name in speedramp page.

  • Set default output FPS to 23.976

  • Display all notifications in the bottom right corner instead of top left.

v1.10.9 - 2019-05-02

  • Speed ramp: remove settings from url and add sliders

  • Add an option in sharing settings to allow first picture to be emailed

  • Dashboard: keep "control mode", "trigger mode" and "output" visible even when we don't have any cameras

  • Do not create GIF folder if there is no GIF, same for MP4

  • Open picture folder from the player or gallery with ctrl+shift+e

  • Bugfix: Fix freezing frames when adding video overlay with audio track

v1.10.8 - 2019-04-24

  • Create JPG instead of MP4 when there is only 1 camera

  • Add new branding tab: video overlay with blending mode options

  • Make save button in settings page sticky

  • Add new license bundles (Pro-Android, Photogrammetry)

  • Allow server settings and camera settings to be stored in /pictures

  • Move "Apply calibration" and "Apply chromakey" toggle from dashboard to the top of their page

  • Allow video regeneration by pressing "ctrl-k" in the player

  • Move some video settings (resolution, aspect ratio, repeat and bounce) from settings page to dashboard

  • Move instagram video duration warning from dashboard top to output settings modal

  • For mobile: replace app title by app logo in the header, remove disk usage and qrcode from the dashboard