How is this used?
You’ll find below many examples of how Xangle Camera Server is used by our clients
Let’s go through various examples of animations created using Xangle. All of them are from our clients!
Green screen bullet-time with animated background and animated foreground! OMG!
By ThinkPrint (Brazil)
Amazing bullet-time setup by the Spliceboys in NYC using 50 cameras!
By the SpliceBoys (Australia)
Light-painting + strobe, then interval mode with continuous lights
By BeamImagination (USA) & Xangle team
Chromakey bullet-time with animated background, animated foreground and static watermark
By Guestcam (Belgium)
24-cameras Light-painting
By Realme (India)
08 - Interval mode + fixed overlay: instagram.com/p/BmJMWUAnpbB
09 - Animated overlay (png files): instagram.com/p/BkI_ReeHGfw
10 - Interval mode @ 10 cameras: instagram.com/p/BlPCdfchjAj
11- Using flash (Guestcam): instagram.com/p/B8Wt-F1H9Ql/