Photogrammetry /
Files / folders management
Files and folder naming with tags and presets
Two lists of presets (usually for your actor name, and FACS names)
Above: 3 actors are on the schedule for today (John, Julie and Cindy). We’re going to make 3 FACS (neutral, smile, angry) for each. The presets have been created in advance (gear icon), and by clicking on an element, the folder name preview shows where the files are going to be created (timestamp-john-smile in the example). We also create an auto back on a nas drive with a different folder structure (actor-name/facs)
Automated backups
Live automatic backup to your external hard-drives
Add multiple backups of specified files (raw, jpg, both) to one or multiple external locations
Backup complete file structure of a set (raw, jpg, settings), or specific (flat) files (jpg or raw)